How to Work With A Good Business Coach
As we wrap up our short little series of blog posts about working with a good business coach, I want to share some important lessons with you that will help you make the most of your time and the money you’re spending. No matter how good the coach, it’s not going to do you much good if you don’t do your part. That’s what today’s post is all about. Take the advice to heart and you and your business coach will be able to do great things together.
Be Open-Minded
First and foremost, it’s important to keep an open mind to everything your coach suggests. His or her job is to push you out of your comfort zone. Some of the advice you hear will be hard to swallow. Remember, you hired a business coach, not a cheerleader. You need critical advice and you need to be pushed to grow. It will get uncomfortable and you will do things that scare you. That’s how you grow as a person and a business owner.
Be Ready To Implement
The best coach, the best ideas, and the most well-laid out strategy for your business growth won’t do you any good unless you’re ready to get to work. Be prepared to work your butt off or outsource like crazy when you’re working with your coach. Make the most of your time together. Do the work, move as fast as possible, so there’s plenty of time and opportunity to see what’s working and what isn’t. Being able to not only implement new ideas but also tweaking and fine-tuning them with your coach beside you, is one of the quickest ways to grow.
“Remember that having a coach versus a consultant is that you are doing the actionable tasks – thus saving money. Rather than you incurring the high fees you would pay to have a consultant do the work for you.” – Dr. Yam
Know When It’s Time To Move On
Having a coach who helps you make progress and who you “click” with is an amazing thing. It’s good to have a great relationship but when you do, it can sometimes be hard to realize when you’ve outgrown this particular mentor. You’ll go through a series of different people that will help you grow and move ahead. Be aware of this so you can notice the signs that it’s time to switch coaches.
I hope you’ve found those simple, but important lessons for working with the right coach for business growth helpful and that they inspire you to see how far you can go and how much you can grow with the addition of a good business coach to your team of advisors.
Have more questions?
- Schedule a Simplicity Session I’d be happy to chat.
- And check out my Facebook group Small Biz Society – a unique support and service space where aspiring entrepreneurs and new small business owners “get bizy” planning, building and sustaining.
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P.S. Don’t forget to download my freebie – Get To the Top Faster with A Coach ebook.