How A Positive Mindset Can Prevent Business Roadblocks
Having a positive mindset can prevent business roadblocks but I want to warn you – there may come a time when you feel like your side hustle wasn’t meant to be. It might happen just out of the gate or it might take time, but everyone hits roadblocks that make them wonder why they ever started this in the first place.
First off, rest easy- you are not alone!
Every entrepreneur has felt the worries and wonders if they made a mistake. They have felt the sting of rejection, failure, and falling flat. They know how it feels to be overwhelmed, in over your head, and just plain tired. Don’t give up!
“When you are going through hell, keep going.” -Winston Churchill.

In the rarest of cases, a side hustle is a bust. In most cases, roadblocks are merely mindset issues. There is no roadblock that can’t be overcome one way or another. Recognizing the collateral fall-out that comes from roadblocks is important. A roadblock isn’t just literal, it comes with baggage.
Things like:
- Fear of failure
- Second-guessing your ideas
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Loss of stamina
- Over or under eating
- Sleeping too much or too little
These collateral issues aren’t the roadblock themselves, they compound it and distract you from simply fixing the problem. The key to fixing any problem starts with your mindset. Making the decision to persevere, find the solution, and manage your thoughts is the key to battling the roadblocks that hit your side hustle.

When you feel the urge to quit or move towards despair, consider these options instead:
Find a mentor- A mentor is someone who has skillsets that are more advanced than yours. Someone who has been there and done what you are trying to do. They have likely weathered the storms and know that all ships rise with the tide. Having a mentor can help you keep your focus and work out the roadblocks instead of falling into unnecessary depression.
Crowdsource- Solving a problem can be as easy as crowdsourcing. The better your community relations, the easier it is to find someone somewhere who has the expertise to fix whatever is broken. Spend your time pouring into others and they will be there when you need them, too.
A side hustle is going to hit roadblocks. That’s totally normal. Your best and first line of defense is to determine your mindset. Having a can-do, positive mindset is the sharpest tool in your box and will be the launching pad for the solutions you need to overcome anything.
We should always remember that a positive mindset in business can be the difference between success and failure.

My latest planner, “Create Your Side Hustle Income in a Weekend,” walks you through multiple exercises, from start to finish, to determine what you should choose for a side hustle and if that idea is sustainable for many years. You’ll need to dig deep to answer some of the questions inside but self-exploration is the only way to know for sure if this is the right answer for you.

My latest planner, “Create Your Side Hustle Income in a Weekend,” walks you through multiple exercises, from start to finish, to determine what you should choose for a side hustle and if that idea is sustainable for many years. You’ll need to dig deep to answer some of the questions inside but self-exploration is the only way to know for sure if this is the right answer for you

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur with an biz idea you would like to take the next but have a fear or hesitance?
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