A great coach

When Is It Time To Look For A Business Coach?

A business coach can help you make progress faster and build your online or brick and mortar business more quickly by helping you see where you can improve things, where you can leverage what you already have, and where you need to fill a big gap in your funnel. The big question is when will you know if a business coach is needed to make sure it benefits your growth the most.

Don’t Hire A Coach When…

… you know what you’re doing, have a solid plan, and just need a little time to implement it all. 

There’s no big need to have an advisor tell you what you know you should be doing. If you find yourself not implementing the right things, or you don’t know what you should be doing first, then getting a coach involved may not be a bad idea.

Often, you’ll find yourself go through a cycle of having a coach to come up with a solid plan, and then going off on your own for a few weeks or even months to put what you’ve learned to good use.

… you don’t have the money for it. 

A good coach can be expensive. But remember it is an investment in yourself and your business.  If you can’t afford one right now, consider joining a accountability group or mastermind. Those tend to be more affordable because you sharing the expense of a coach while still getting your needs met. Or the cheap but not necessarily the most effective is to learn what you can through courses or for free, implement, and start making enough money to be able to afford the coach. Yes, a coach could be helpful at this point, but there’s no need to risk the viability of your business to shortcut this step. Instead, make a budget, and get the coach on board as soon as you can afford it.

Do Hire A Coach When …

… when you are at the idea stage

For those aspiring entrepreneurs this is for you. Taking advantage of joining a group where you can have a safe place to explore, tap into resources and meet others looking to do the same. Typically you will follow a progression of steps to get you to your launch day.

… when you feel stuck. 

If you don’t know what you should be doing next, or you’re comfortably coasting and are ready to take your business to the next level, a coach can be a great addition.

… when you’re feeling unmotivated. 

There’s nothing like a good business coach to get you excited about what you’re doing. Paying this person is also a good thing. The expense will motivate you to take action and work on growing your own bottom line. This will reap benefits long after you’re done paying your coach.

… when you don’t know what you don’t know yet. 

This is a tough one. Often, we can’t see the possibilities for our business simply because we don’t know what we don’t know yet. There are plenty of marketing strategies, joint venture (JV) opportunities, product funnel options and the likes we aren’t even considering because we don’t know there are options. This is where a good business coach can be eye opening. 

No matter which choice you make from the above, be ready for some serious mind expansion and explosive growth as you start to work with your coach.

Have more questions?

P.S. And forget to download my freebie – Get To the Top Faster with A Coach ebook.


  1. Melinda

    In my opinion, many people would benefit from hiring a business coach. Why? Because a coach has done it, knows the ups and downs and knows how to react to them. A new business owner doesn’t know this and that’s why so many businesses fail within 5 years. They just don’t know how to plan effectively, how to react to problems and changes and they don’t have the right support to push them forward.

    1. yamilettewilliams

      Melinda – It’s great to hear that you find value in the contribution a coach can have on a business. Its why I do what I do, I want folks to succeed at what they love.

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